The first day of the Clutch Life 24/7 Trainer introduces you to how you'll perform the at home workouts. Go through the dynamic warm-up, stretch series, & the strength circuits together! ► BodyFit Training Programs: https://bbcom.me/2EmQ0Pa ► Shop Bodybuilding Signature Supplements: https://bbcom.me/30QQbdc 00:00 - Intro 00:45 - Dynamic Warm-Up 03:48 - Stretch 21:38 - Circuit 1 25:26 - Circuit 2 29:25 - Outro Start the Clutch Life 24/7 Trainer with a positive attitude and a hard-working mindset. Let's get Clutch! You can (and should) scale the workouts to fit your level, but you should never scale so much that you don't feel challenged. Every workout should feel difficult. Your heart should be racing and you should be sweating. Push yourself as much as you can. Rest when you must, but don't take more than a minute or two to catch your breath. The Clutch Life Trainer doesn't end with these workouts. You need to carry the same willingness to work with you into your kitchen and everyday life. No, you don't have a super-specific diet to follow, but if you follow the flexible game plan I've laid out for you, you'll see fantastic results in your physique, performance, and overall health. The Clutch Life is all about putting your best foot forward every single day. ============================================= | Follow Us | ► Twitch: http://bit.ly/2q1dttE ► YouTube: http://bit.ly/1RSJFa4 ► Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1lomhpr ► Instagram: http://bit.ly/1LzBxab ► Twitter: http://bit.ly/1RSJQlL ► Google+: http://bit.ly/1NRe8qu ► Pinterest: http://bit.ly/1OOZgY4 ► Spotify: http://spoti.fi/1NRebm0 We are Bodybuilding.com. Your transformation is our passion. We are your personal trainer, your nutritionist, your supplement expert, your lifting partner, your support group. We provide the technology, tools and products you need to burn fat, build muscle and become your best self.
Tags: fitness , Workout , exercise , workouts , Physical Exercise (Interest) , exercises , at home , at home workout , youtube workouts , training , workout program , circuits , stretching , workout for women , at home workouts , 30 minute workout , workout videos , strength workout , at home strength workout , Bodybuilding.com , workout for men , at home workout for women , at home workout for men , fitness plan , strength circuit , 30 minute , clutch life , ashley conrad , home strength workout , dynamic warmup
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